
Volunteer Kamloops Board of Directors

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Volunteer Kamloops Board of Directors | Positions Available: 1

Thank you for your interest in Volunteer Kamloops! The Kamloops Community Volunteer Services Society, operating as Volunteer Kamloops, is committed to the concept that volunteerism improves the quality of life in the community and, therefore, supports and strengthens volunteerism through promotion, recruitment, education, orientation, and referral services for volunteers and organizations in our community and surrounding areas. Through training and networking opportunities, we support the efforts of organizations to provide high-quality volunteer programs and opportunities to many diverse, equity deserving communities. Our board and staff members participate in community committees and collaborations to achieve shared needs or address issues that affect voluntary agencies. We advocate on behalf of volunteers and the value of voluntary service in all aspects of our work. Volunteer Kamloops believes in leadership and embraces giving our time to others. We find leaders choose themselves and align to a cause they believe in. If that sounds like you, join a team of professionals who believe in building a better Kamloops! Please read through the documents on our website to see what is expected and required of all board members, please note the time commitments, before applying. Board Members attend monthly meetings (currently held on-line) and communicate with other board members via email and phone. Board Members should have a passion for community and volunteerism and assist with a long-term direction of the society through fundraising, grants and events. Skills that would be an asset would be accounting, fundraising, event planning and grant writing. Apply here: https://www.volunteerkamloops.org/become-a-board-member/ Criminal check required Training required