
Crisis Line Responder

Rewarding, front-line position helping people in crisis. Good opportunity to learn new and useful skills. Virtual training is provided, approx. 40hrs with additional 16hrs practical training to follow test. Application at https://cmhavernon.ca/programs-and-services/crisis-line/crisis-line-volunteer

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Crisis Line Responder | Positions Available: 100

Rewarding, front-line position helping people in crisis. Good opportunity to learn new and useful skills. Virtual training is provided, approx. 32hrs with additional 16hrs practical training hrs. to follow. Minimum age 19. Commitment is 16-20 hours a month for a total of 200 hours. Applicants MUST fill out an application on the CMHA Vernon & District Website in order to be contacted: https://cmhavernon.ca/crisis-line/